Net-Conception - Epsom, Surrey based web design
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Net-Conception are based in Epsom & Ewell, Surrey, UK

Site Statistics

How well is my site doing?

Unlike most traditional advertising, where you're unsure how many people have actually looked at your advertisement, the Internet keeps a record of all pages viewed and how people found them. This information is invaluable for gauging the successfulness of your site and for determining when more (or less) website promotion is needed.

Net-Conception provide you with a set of online charts that keep you well informed of your site's progress.

How many visitors do I have?

Charts are provided showing the numbers of pages viewed, plus the number of visits and unique visitors on a daily and monthly basis. You can also see how long they stayed.

What are they looking at?

You can see which are your most popular pages and from which pages people most often leave your site.


How do they find my site?

We provide data on the most popular routes that people take to your site. So, if you're advertising on a particular site and you get no traffic from it, you'll know how to save some money.

Are search engines helping me?

You'll be able to tell when people are finding you from a particular search engine (like Google) and also what search terms they're entering. This information is invaluable for search engine optimization.

            N.B. There is always a small margin of error in web statistics particularly with regard to calculating visits.

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